12 Mar BHO Masters Symposium – From a Young Horse to a Grand Prix Champion
Everything you always wanted to know about the development of a talented Young Dressage Horse to a Grand Prix Champion.
When? 18th & 19th of March 2023, 4.00 – 7.00 pm CET, 3 sessions per day / 45 min per session
For whom? The Symposium is targeted at all persons interested, not only judges or top sport.
What do you get? The development of a successful Grand Prix horse is a years-long path with many milestones to achieve and various aspects to consider. Judges and the general audience see the final results in the competition arena, while breeders, owners, trainers, grooms and riders accompany and work with these horses until they make their first debut at a show and in the end hopefully climb up to Olymp of Equestrian Dressage: The Grand Prix level.
Did you ever ask yourself:
- What makes a Grand Prix de Dressage Champion?
- Which aspects do breeders consider when it comes to the next generation of Dressage horses?
- How does the modern Dressage horse grow up and when does the training start?
- Which steps do riders and trainers take when producing a Grand Prix horse?
- How do judges evaluate young horses?
These and many more aspects of the Young Horse development will be illustrated and discussed during the second BHO Masters Symposium. Learn from extraordinarily prestigious names and be part of the next online symposium with new and exciting formats. Daniel Göhlen, CEO and founder of Black Horse One, co-inventor of the well known DoD judging system as well as the state of the art paperless judging solution eDressage™, will moderate and lead through the six exciting sessions.
Details of the Sessions:
— Day 1 – March 18th 2023
Session 1 (4-5pm CET): Hans-Christian Matthiesen (DEN) “Physical & training development of horses throughout their career” / Hans-Christian Matthiesen, in addition to being a veterinarian, is an FEI 5* judge, member of the FEI Judge Supervisory Panel and President of the International Dressage Officials Club.
Session 2 (5-6pm CET): David Hunt (GBR) “Riding competences from Young Horse to Grand Prix Level” / David is a well known British trainer, President of the International Dressage Trainers Club and chair of the FEI Judge Supervisory Panel. His exceptional knowledge of dressage principles have been put into practice at the London, Rio and Tokyo Games as well as World Cup Finals, European Championships and World Equestrian Games.
Session 3 (6-7pm CET): Bettina de Rham (SUI) “Requirements of Horse & Rider in the different levels” / Bettina de Rham has been the FEI Director of Dressage, Para-Dressage and Vaulting for many years and shaped these disciplines. On the basis of her years-long experience, Bettina outlines the path of Young Horses from a Federation perspective with a focus on the requirements of the different levels up to Grand Prix as well as much more.
— Day 2 – March 19th 2023 —
Session 4 (4-5pm CET): Francois Kasselmann (GER) “Raising & Managing a future Grand Prix Champion” / Breeding, sport and training are the key areas of operation at Hof Kasselmann. The facilities are renowned worldwide for their professional coaching and management of emerging young horses and young riders. Successful at European Championship level himself, Francois Kasselmann is leading the training and sales operations at Hof Kasselmann.
Session 5 (5-6pm CET): Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour (DEN) “Keeping horses happy & healthy while competing on the highest level” / Catherine Laudrup-Dufour is an olympic athlete and won Team Gold as well as Individual Silver at the 2022 World Dressage Championships in Herning. Catherine embodies much of what the dressage world wants in a champion – her riding skills, love and understanding of her equestrian partners that led her to become one of the world´s best.
Session 6 (6-7 pm CET): Discussion / This session will evaluate all sessions and offer an open space for discussion with the speakers. The audience will be involved and several topics can be discussed.
Listen to as many sessions as you like or access recordings up to six days later. You can submit questions during all sessions. We will compile the best ones that are then discussed in the final discussion. Please be aware that all sessions will be in English. You will receive an email with further information close to the seminar date. Be part of this new BHO Masters Symposium and learn everything you always wanted to know about young horses!
Register here:
Price: 75 €